28.02.2024 22:25
Processed Through Facility
26.02.2024 19:40
Flight arrival
AVENEL, NJ, 07001
24.02.2024 16:55
Item Returned from Customs
MIAMI, FL, 33126, US
22.02.2024 14:10
Arrived at [Hangzhou International Mail Processing Center]
Guangzhou international mail exchange station, Guangzhou city
20.02.2024 11:25
Processed Through Facility
Fuzhou international parcel processing center, Fuzhou city
18.02.2024 08:40
Processed Through Facility
Australia, Australia
16.02.2024 05:55
Arrival at unit
La Grande, OR, United States
14.02.2024 03:10
Arrived at airport of destination
Zhengzhou international mail exchange station, Zhengzhou city
12.02.2024 00:25
Flight arrival
Mursan SO
09.02.2024 21:40
Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
07.02.2024 18:55
Item Presented to Customs
Shenzhen city, departed by air, sent destination country
05.02.2024 16:10
[Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center] departure from outward office of exchange
310030, China
03.02.2024 13:25
Receptacle received
Denver, CO, United States
01.02.2024 10:40
[Hong Kong express project department] has received, postman:Courier1, phone:18566284428
Jaipur Hub
30.01.2024 07:55
In Transit to Next Facility
Jhunjhunu H.O
28.01.2024 05:10
Departed from [Fujian province business delivery department Fuzhou airlines center], next stop [Shanghai city business delivery department airlines center Goodman package ]
AMES, IA, 50010
Tracking numbers examples: